I've recently returned from a weekend trip to Amsterdam with my lovely girlfriend, and of course it was awesome.
Before I left though I thought "Oooooo this will make a good post on T&T (Tipple & Takeaway..... obviously)", which led me to ask myself, "What do the Dutch eat and drink?"
Some obvious answers came to mind.
Heienken, Amstell, Edam, Space cakes etc.
Whilst there, I seriously struggled to find anything with an element of Dutchness about it, except from waffles and pastries, which I literally couldn't get away from at times.
So instead I stuck to the stereotypes (plenty of Heineken), and a few home comforts (pizza and steak!).
Ooooooooh I do love the Heineken!
I bet you all wish you were as cultured as me.