Thursday, 26 February 2009


As I have already mentioned for Lent I decided to give up drinking beer.

Well, I've met my first hurdle, tripped over and gone arse over tit! I lasted all of eighteen hours. You know what I can't even claim that because I'm pretty sure I was asleep for about 11 of those hours. 

So instead of completely giving up on the challenge I've decided to make a slight alteration.

I'm still keeping off the beer..... except for any day which I'm going out. 

So there's no need to worry Bargain Booze, I'll be back!

Wednesday, 25 February 2009


There's beer in the fridge. It's looking at me...


As some of you may know, today is Ash Wednesday, the start of Lent.

Lent is all about making sacrifices. So as I do most years, I'm going to give something up. Years back I would have given up chocolate or something easy like that. But this year I'm really, really testing myself. I've decided that I'm going to attempt to give up......(drum roll) beer!

Its going to be the biggest challenge I've ever faced. It'll be my Everest. But if Paul Gascoigne can do it, then I'm pretty sure that I can last at least a few days. Plus I've got Jesus on my side at the moment, so I'm sure it'll be reyt!

So as it stands, I have been beer free for 15 hours. Lets hope it lasts!

Pancake Day...

Yesterday was Pancake Day, a day which I always look forward to. But this year... what a forking let down. Probably the biggest anti-climax since the first voyage of the Titanic. Everything just seemed to go tits up!!

I think I'm just bitter because I only managed to get one, when usually I'd wolf down a good few smothered in Golden Syrup.

But it being Pancake Tuesday there was plenty of talk and excitement during the day. "I'm gonna eat this many...", "I'm gonna have this on mine..." etc. etc. And it was interesting to hear what people have on their pancakes. I heard the usual stuff like sugar and lemon, and chocolate, but who in hell has banana or cheese on a pancake. 

I bet they were bloody shandy drinking southerners!

But hey-ho I suppose the real reason for Pancake Day is in fact Shrove Tuesday, the day before the start of Lent, which takes me to my next post.

Monday, 16 February 2009

The Gospel According to Mark....

You ask anybody who knows me, they'll tell you that I have an appetite like Pavarotti (until recently anyway), and because I'm a student I inevitably enjoy the odd drink.... or two.... or three. 

And like everybody else, I have my own opinions when it comes to eating and drinking. So here is the Gospel According to Mark....

  1. Real food fills you up. I don't want to leave a restaurant and feel the need for McDonalds. I'm not John Prescott!
  2. You only live once, don't count calories.
  3. You can't have a curry without beer.
  4. Beer goes with everything. You ask George Best.

Follow these rules closely, and you'll probably live a much shorter life, but hey-ho!



The belly rules the mind
- Spanish Proverb

If this bloke is to be believed then food is the most important resource to us. So what better to write about than FOOD!

So come one, come all. Welcome to Tipple and Takeaway

Here at Tipple and Takeaway we will offer you:

  • Valuable advice on what to eat, what not to eat, and what to wash it down with. 
  • The best eating tips, unless you know Rick Waller.
  • Advice on beer, wine and anything else damp.