Friday, 27 March 2009


You may have seen on Facebook petitions demanding that fast food chains such as McDonalds and KFC should provide a delivery service.

I didn't join these groups, mainly because I wanted to avoid the inevitable fat jibes that would follow. 

Thursday, 26 March 2009

Chippy Tea....

I made a wonderful decision this evening...... to have a chippy tea! I went for fish, chips and gravy. It went down a treat, as these pictures illustrate.




And if these pictures aren't a good enough excuse to get yourself a chippy, I'm sure the Lancashire Hotpots will convince you.......

Tuesday, 24 March 2009

Odd Combination....

I've just had the oddest meal of my life.

Cous cous.

Fried onions.

Mushy peas.

Oooooo the joys of being a student.


Last week's emotional appeal for food went without much avail. We had one offer of food, which wasn't followed through. So if you see any of the surviving resident of my house please take pity.

Once we came to terms with our lack of popularity, we discovered our saviour. Spar!!

Ooooooooo Spar! What a godsend!

Its a minute around the corner. It sells Lynx lager, which is probably the most lethal thing to come in a can, since Asda briefly sold anthrax. Plus the food is cheapish.

So its an of license, selling cheap food, and there's one on most corners. So as long as you don't mind the inevitable heart attack (due to lack of exercise and easy access to food and drink), Spar is the place for me, you and any other lazy sod.

Friday, 13 March 2009


This is an emotional appeal for the residents of 26 Guildford Street.

We're poor and we're hungry. We have no food left in the house, and we're all skint.

Anything you can donate, could save a life. I think i'll be alright for the time being, I have plenty of meat on me but my housemates may not be as lucky.

Sod Comic Relief. Feed us!


I've recently returned from a weekend trip to Amsterdam with my lovely girlfriend, and of course it was awesome.

Before I left though I thought "Oooooo this will make a good post on T&T (Tipple & Takeaway..... obviously)", which led me to ask myself, "What do the Dutch eat and drink?"

Some obvious answers came to mind. Heienken, Amstell, Edam, Space cakes etc.

Whilst there, I seriously struggled to find anything with an element of Dutchness about it, except from waffles and pastries, which I literally couldn't get away from at times.

So instead I stuck to the stereotypes (plenty of Heineken), and a few home comforts (pizza and steak!).

Ooooooooh I do love the Heineken!

I bet you all wish you were as cultured as me.

Thursday, 12 March 2009

My Goodness, My Guinness....

Along with U2, Guinness is definitely Ireland's greatest export.

Closed Gate at Guinness Brewery, off Crane St.Image via Wikipedia

It's absolutely beautiful, and according to a friend of mine it's better for you than lager. And hes not the only one. You ask any taxi driver in Dublin. Even the smallest sneeze or shiver is followed by the same peice of advice. "Ahhhhhhh be' Jesus ya wanna get a pint 'a Guinness down'd ya!". But stereotypes aside, according to them, the iron content in the Guinness, can cure anything from a cold to aches and pains.

And the BBC will tell you the same.

So now you've no excuse to not drink it, and every excuse to do so.

Whatever the time, it's Guinness time.
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I like wine! Whether it red, white or rose.. whatever! 

There are some people out there though who take buying and drinking wine very seriously. Fair enough there's nice wine, and there's crap stuff. I do know the difference, but I'd much rather just buy a three quid bottle from the Spar like I did today.

There is a lot of fuss about wine, and I'm not the only one who thinks so. You ask Alan.

It was a Californian rose. According to the label it is a "veritable feast of fruit flavours" which "burst from the bottle". I think I must have got a dodgy one; it never "burst". Never mind "fruit flavours", all I could taste was wine, but I'm not Oz Clarke am I. I did enjoy it though as this picture illustrates.

I was lucky this time, it tasted fine but I haven't always been as fortunate. On one occasion, whilst on holiday, I came across what looked like a lovely bottle of rose. At one euro ninety five cents..... you can't argue can you! Then came the tasting. It wasn't great. In fact I'm fairly sure it was vinegar. Having said that somebody liked it, my friend drank my bottle.... then his. 

I suppose its a matter of taste. Obviously he doesn't have any!